Daragang Magayon Festival 2014

Did i ever blogged about Magayon Festival before? Haha Oh sorry. I’m just too lazy to scan my previous post. Let’s assume that I told you something about it before and now I’m gonna blog about it once again.

Daragang Magayon Festival, formerly Magayon Festival, so they basically just add another first name or whatsoever (because i guess the”Daraga” word describes “Magayon” who is a major character on the story),was one of the grandest festival here in the Bicol Region that showcases Bicolano cultures. It was like a reunion of all the festivals in Bicol – Ibalong, Cagsawa, Himag-Ulaw, Tabak, Sugok-sugok, Voyadores and many more. On this time, if you are really a fan of history, cultures, arts, music and festivals, I’m pretty sure you’ll gonna love to be here.

Festival Queen

Magayon, Masaraga and Malinao

Pinayasan Festival of Daet, Camarines Sur.. Also the 2nd placer..

And because its raining that hard, I have no choice but to do some focusing stuffs to at least get a picture of these amazing kids from Himag Ulaw Festival

Pinaysan.. Sorry the photos were not arranged 🙂

Yeah raining

I became an instant fan of the Himag Ulaw festival because aside from their performance, which is so amazing, I just love the way they carry out everything. Knowing that the dancers were all kids and the propsmen are their parents, wow. That’s just amazing.. AND just being the way they are makes me like them more :))

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