Okay. 3rd Year College. Sometimes, I just can’t believe that I’ve been this far like who the heck would expect that I will survive this pre-med course for three years?! I mean, maybe some people would say that “It’s just Bio, you just have to memorize then you will pass”. No, it’s not. Bio is like finding solutions to save the world. And most people doesn’t realize that.

3rd Year. Old friends but new lessons. That excites me. We have this Genetics subject that I love the most because chromosomes, DNA and whatsoever are my loves. Also the Philippine Literature which I love too because I am a fan of eveything about the Philippines especially the lit and culture thingy. But I’m kinda sad because the person on that photo above is not my classmate anymore. On our 3rd year, we are given the privilege to choose what subjects we want to take so Adrian, who loves zoology a lot, need to take the schedule of the other Block to attend her zoology class without any conflicts on other subjects sooo.. goodbye for now Eyd. And I decided to take Protozoology because that’s close to med and I like little organisms and the lab sooo..

Hopefully, this year would be okay. I pray that our endless Journal readings and writings and Special problems would be all successful :))

Sci-Tech Fair

Bicol University College of Science on its annual Science and Technology Fair. This event showcases different activities that you will surely enjoy and at the same time you will learn a lot of knowledge from different fields of science.

We were assigned to conduct a Bio Exhibit and share everything we have learned in Biology.

Rosa was the one who explained everything under the microscopes and obviously, she’s having fun 😀

We have a section there where you can extract your DNA through a simple method and almost everyone were amazed because it’s really AMAZING Hahaha and Rosa is pagulo again..

Improvised microscope..

Another part of our exhibit was the Biodiversity room where you can find different preserved and alive organisms.

Meanwhile in the microscopy room…

Pupils of Cabangan Elementary School. One of the best part for me.. I love kids and i love their curiosity and innocence 😀

Haggard people.. With Eyd and Cyin

Scientia people..

Scientia (official pub of BUCS) conducted an event where students from other campuses can showcase their talents on doodle making, poster making, essay writing, story making and so on..

Katakawan sa McDo foods.. Na stolen tuloy :D.. Enjoyed the sci-tech days, over-all.