Have you ever been to the famous Chocolate Hills in Bohol? No? If you thought those are the most beautiful hills in the Philippines, you were wrong. These Quitinday Greenhills in Camalig, Albay will surely make you jump out of joy when you get to the peak of the hills. And wait, if you’re lucky with the weather, you will surely enjoy the view of the very majestic and Bicol’s pride, Mt. Mayon. Better to be here on sunrise and sunset because the lighting is such a perfection.

Exploring Oas | Barangay Cagmanaba

Summer wouldn’t be summer if your closest friends aren’t there. This season is kinda special for us because the best set of friends were reunited after a year. Well, I admit, I missed them a lot because they are simply the best buddies of all time 😀 Despite of being busy on our own jobs and studies, I am so happy that we still managed to do some adventures outside Tobog and I guess we deserve this. After all the hard works on our events, this is really a must.

Cagmanaba is one of the coastal barangay in the municipality of Oas. With a population of about more or less 5000 residents, you would notice when you go there that the people are very hospitable. On our case, we are very lucky that Ate Eza knows someone from there who is the caretaker of one of the largest resort in Cagmanaba. So we didn’t encounter any problem with where to sleep and where to go and everything.

We went to Cagmanaba by public jeepney to satisfy our adventure cravings. If you plan to do this too, you have to catch the 4am to 8am trips from Polangui terminal to Cagmanaba. The next trips are from 3pm to 5pm in the afternoon. Better to catch the morning trips because you’ll gonna love the view along the road. It’s also a must to ride on the topload of the jeepney. You’ll gonna love it but good luck to the scorching heat of the sun. Cagmanaba is very travel friendly because you don’t have to ride a bangkato go to the island. You just need to walk and walk and walk 🙂 And oh I forgot, it’s more or less 3hours from Polangui terminal.


The very first photo I took using my Lumia. Jaw dropping view.


Prominent names of Cagmanaba. Conde family owns most of the islets there.



Blue days


Macho ba kami? Haha. Ate eza, where are you?


This is what I’m saying earlier that you gonna have to walk if you want to visit the islets. It’s almost a kilometer walk and better if you have swimming shoes because the rocks here are really really rocky -_- But like what I said, adventure 🙂




Touchdown, the gateway to the three islet haha



The first islet is just around 100meters from the what I called gateway and what is fun is that you gonna literally walk in the middle of the sea. Don’t worry the water is not that high. When in low tides, you can run from the gateway to the islet.


The front of islet was crowded so we decided to swim at the back and we found out that it’s more fun in there.


Ate Eza, Aljon, Winson and Ate Jo(Our guide) She’s very cool





Climbing for a dive



Oh the view







Hahaha poses



I didn’t dare to jump okay







One fun thing to do here is to let yourself pull the net together with the fishermen during sunset.. And you better do it if you don’t have something to eat for dinner.








Night life


Breakfast.. Oh so epic


Last photo that I took on the last day..

If you have queries or whatever about the place, feel free to ask 🙂

Daragang Magayon Festival 2014

Did i ever blogged about Magayon Festival before? Haha Oh sorry. I’m just too lazy to scan my previous post. Let’s assume that I told you something about it before and now I’m gonna blog about it once again.

Daragang Magayon Festival, formerly Magayon Festival, so they basically just add another first name or whatsoever (because i guess the”Daraga” word describes “Magayon” who is a major character on the story),was one of the grandest festival here in the Bicol Region that showcases Bicolano cultures. It was like a reunion of all the festivals in Bicol – Ibalong, Cagsawa, Himag-Ulaw, Tabak, Sugok-sugok, Voyadores and many more. On this time, if you are really a fan of history, cultures, arts, music and festivals, I’m pretty sure you’ll gonna love to be here.

Festival Queen

Magayon, Masaraga and Malinao

Pinayasan Festival of Daet, Camarines Sur.. Also the 2nd placer..

And because its raining that hard, I have no choice but to do some focusing stuffs to at least get a picture of these amazing kids from Himag Ulaw Festival

Pinaysan.. Sorry the photos were not arranged 🙂

Yeah raining

I became an instant fan of the Himag Ulaw festival because aside from their performance, which is so amazing, I just love the way they carry out everything. Knowing that the dancers were all kids and the propsmen are their parents, wow. That’s just amazing.. AND just being the way they are makes me like them more :))

Cagsawa Festival Street Presentation

Cagsawa festival is celebrated in the town of Daraga in Albay. Lucky to have some snapshots on the street pres because I was actually walking on my way to school.

Baguio City, Philippines

This is my very first travel for the year(with all expenses paid by the school 🙂 ). This is actually a campus journalism competition joined by different schools all over the country. As a head photojournalist of our student publication, I was chosen to be the one to represent our college in Photojourn and Maan for editorial writing. Thanks to this event, I was given the chance to kiss the grounds of Baguio for the second time.


Almost 20 hours on the road because there are a lot of road projects encounter esp in Pangasinan -_-


View at the back of Hotel Supreme




Me, Mam Joan and Maan.. Hihi sorry for this photo guys


Roomates from Sierra College of Taytay.. Anne and Jen




You can feel the fast approaching valentine’s day that time as so as the Penagbenga spirit..



Strawberry taho.. One of my fav in baguio


On our last day.. we’ve walked all the way from Abanao Square…


To Burnham Park..


To SM Baguio


To Session road



And finally! To the night market which consumed my energy for that day. The night market was okay especially to me, an “ukay-ukay” addict. Maan and I bought a lot of stuffs.. leggings, pants, shorts..IN A VERY CHEAP PRICE 😀





Spent our last morning in Baguio with Mam Joan’s family then we had a very amazing sunrise shoot at the runway of Baguio Airport.

Exploring Sorsogon

This is my Sorsogon exploration with my MPCI friends. We were actually tasked to cover their Kasanggayahan Festival and do a lot of adventures there. On the first day, we have attended the conference organized by the government of Sorsogon. I was really confused where is Sorsogon City and where is Sorsogon province because we went to different locations and my friend is telling me, “we are now in the province”, “oh this is sorsogon city”. LOL But i figured out the freaking boundary in the end. Haha. I really learned a lot from the conference. I really felt the eagerness of the Mayor to boost the tourism status of the city and also the whole province. I was able to talked to Sir Abdon Balde Jr. again. I’ve missed his bagets talks. Haha. After the eating sessions at Siama Hotel, we went at the Gubat to do some surfing photoshoots then go went back to the city for the Re-enacment of the first mass in Luzon. Yes. First mass in Luzon. Everyone knows it was in Limasawa but evidence showed it is in Magallanes, Sorsogon. But there still no official declaration yet.

My trip to Sorsogon really made me realized that this is really a place of jewels. The historical landmarks, the traditions, the beautiful places and the story of Sorsogon itself is really one of the most amazing thing that a Bicolano should be proud of.



Cousin Jingerlyn



Ate De Jane, Jingerlyn, Dawn















Translacion 13

The festivities begin with the famous Traslacion procession during which the images of the Lady of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro (Holy Face) are brought by barefooted male voyadores from the Basilica through the main streets of the city to the Cathedral. A procession, locally called Translacion (The transferring of the miraculous Image of the Virgin, Our Lady of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro from the Shrine to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Naga City for a Novena and Holy Masses. This begun in 1885.), ushers in the weeklong festivities which include civic and military parades, agro-industrial fairs, and cultural shows.

During the translacion, which passes through the main streets of Naga, the miraculous Ina of the Bicolanos is borne on the rugged, muscular shoulders of barefooted voyadores who form a human barricade to protect the Virgin from the unruly crowd.

This procession which from the year 2009 will go back to its original route, from the Peñafrancia Shrine to the Cathedral lasts for 2 hours for the changes in its andas, is participated in by thousands of devotees from all over Bicol and other parts of the country.

Busy streets of Naga

The rain can’t stop them from attending the mass of Translacion..

The photos were actually taken using my Nokia phone. It was so raining hard and I won’t take the risk to use my nikon haha.

We had dinner at one of the relatives of Sir Nelson and i was really amazed with the design of their house. So classic and Spanish-styled setting. And i found out that the family was actually the owner of the land where the cathedral was located. Amazing.

Ended up at Molino Resto with MPCI friends. Had so much fun :)) That’s all 😀