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(Yellow-Vented Bulbul, Bee Eater, Little Egret, Zebra Dove)

Hola! Been away for like forever and I am going to revive this blog by posting all the stuffs I am into. I now have the time to post things and luckily, my work is more on places and nature and every living and non-living things.

These photos of birds (except the last one) were taken during my college days in Bicol University. The photo of the Bee Eater was taken during our short course in UP Los Banos last summer and the Zebra Dove was taken during my last year in high school. Yes, I developed this birdwatching hobby because of our seminar with the Haribon Foundation Inc.. These creatures are commonly taken for granted (parang ikaw hahaha) but there’s this beauty that you will only appreciate when you look at them closely. This BirdWatching Project hopefully would at least raise awareness to those who threaten these birds. People, they deserve to thrive just like us. Don’t hurt these cuties!