1st Mayon Photomarathon

A photography event inspired by the Canon Photomarathon, Mayon Photomarathon is the first ever photowalk in coordination with the City Government of Legazpi joined by different camera addicts, amateur, hobbyist and professional photographers in the whole region.

Spices of Albay

A photo exhibit that will bring you to Albay’s famous landmarks. Experience Albay through photography. Come and Visit Albay Capitol Atrium. Exhibit is until October 31, 2013.

This is actually one of the annual exhibits of MPCI and i am very lucky that two of my pictures were included on the exhibit. Really had fun during the opening especially the fashion photog tutorial by Sir Nelson Salting. I really like the 5th photo. It’s so classic and i wish i would have that one also when i grow old. Haha kidding. I’ve met Ate Charm’s son, Gabby. He’s so makulet but so cute. That’s all. Hope you could visit our exhibit! :*

Scottkelby Worldwide Photowalk – Legazpi City, Philippines

It’s not always the technical beauty, most of the time, it’s about capturing the heart and soul of your subjects.