Daragang Magayon Festival 2014

Did i ever blogged about Magayon Festival before? Haha Oh sorry. I’m just too lazy to scan my previous post. Let’s assume that I told you something about it before and now I’m gonna blog about it once again.

Daragang Magayon Festival, formerly Magayon Festival, so they basically just add another first name or whatsoever (because i guess the”Daraga” word describes “Magayon” who is a major character on the story),was one of the grandest festival here in the Bicol Region that showcases Bicolano cultures. It was like a reunion of all the festivals in Bicol – Ibalong, Cagsawa, Himag-Ulaw, Tabak, Sugok-sugok, Voyadores and many more. On this time, if you are really a fan of history, cultures, arts, music and festivals, I’m pretty sure you’ll gonna love to be here.

Festival Queen

Magayon, Masaraga and Malinao

Pinayasan Festival of Daet, Camarines Sur.. Also the 2nd placer..

And because its raining that hard, I have no choice but to do some focusing stuffs to at least get a picture of these amazing kids from Himag Ulaw Festival

Pinaysan.. Sorry the photos were not arranged 🙂

Yeah raining

I became an instant fan of the Himag Ulaw festival because aside from their performance, which is so amazing, I just love the way they carry out everything. Knowing that the dancers were all kids and the propsmen are their parents, wow. That’s just amazing.. AND just being the way they are makes me like them more :))

Exploring Sorsogon – Brgy. Diamante, Prieto Diaz


This trip to Prieto Diaz really helped me appreciate the beauty of underwater world. The diversity of organisms living on this place made me realize that the wonders of life really comes on different perspective.

For us biology students, Barangay Diamante, Prieto Diaz, Sorsogon is known as a venue for most of our field study adventure because the place is well known for its biodiversity-rich area.

My team was assigned to study and assess the diversity of Class Echinoderms, which is really very diverse on that place. Most of the organisms we got are sea urchins, star fishes, sea cucumbers and so on. I really had a lot of fun during our work. I guess we are the luckiest team because we were able to experience everything especially the place where we need to conduct our sampling; the sea grass area, the sand area, the corals, and most of the diving sites. At first, we were really afraid to dive and do the task. Well, aside from the fear of what is underwater that we don’t know, we had a hard time constructing our line transect, which is a very important method in conducting our study. But thanks to the very active and supportive staffs of the SEAMANCOR and also to our professors who really made efforts in helping us during the hard times.

Lesson learned: It’s good that you have a DSLR camera but it’s better if you also have an underwater camera. For this trip, i failed to bring one, Uh! Failed to take good photos of the underwater world.
































Daniel goes to Bicol

So yun nga, pumunta si Daniel sa Bicol and nautusan akong icover yung pangyayari. I’m not really a fan of Daniel pero OMG kitang kita ko pagmamahal ng mga fans nya sakanya and di ko lang maintindihan HAHA. Sumisigaw na rin ako that time kasi yung kasama ko sobra rin kung makatili HAHAHA. And buti na lang dala ko yung 70-300mm dahil kung hnd, wala sana akong mkukuhang pics HAHA. 

Yun na nga. Natawa ako kasi nung di pa lumalabas si Daniel. Ang ayos pa nung setting ng lahat, pero nung lumabas na.. ISSUUUUUUU… wala ng VIP VIP.. lahat na nasa unahan HAHA. Buti na lang umais kami sa unahan dahil kung hindi, puro pasa na sana ako HOHOHO